Zhang Jiaog4 | CHN |
Zhang Junzhe4 |
Zhang Kaixing4 | TWN | |||
Zhang Lei |
Zhang Lig4 | CHN | |||
Zhang Min |
Zhang Nianqig4 | CHN |
Zhang Peipeig4 | CHN | |||
Zhang Qig | CHN |
Zhang Qi |
Zhang Qiangg4 | CHN | |||
Zhang Qin |
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Check the checkboxes and refresh to show only those entries where the checked attributes are present.
Chinese Weiqi Association Taiwan Go Association Nihon Kiin Kansai Kiin
Hanguk Kiwon AGA EGF Amateur
Honinbo House Inoue House Hayashi House Yasui House Hoensha
g | The name used in the GoGoD database. (The list contains roughly one third of the players in the GoGoD database: Namely those for whom some other information is also available, such as other name spellings, links, presence in other databases.) Permission to use this data was granted by John Fairbairn. |
4 | The name used in the Go4go database. (The list here contains most of the players in the Go4Go database.) Permission to use this data was granted by Mace Lee. |
b | The name used in Andries Brouwer's database. (The list here contains most of the players in that database.) Permission to use this data was granted by Andries Brouwer. |
Usual order of the components of the name (family name, given name) is reversed. |
I put the list of go players in the public domain (CC0 1.0 Universal (CC0 1.0) Public Domain Dedication).
The purpose of this go players' database is to make available, in machine-readable form, some basic data about (mostly professional) go players. You are welcome to use this data in your own projects. To retrieve the data, or selected parts, you can use the REST API. Further documentation.
Download the whole list in JSON format: Archive
Contributions are welcome. To comment on entries of individual players, you can use the feedback form: go to the player's detail page (click the name in the left-most column) and click the "Send feedback" link at the bottom of the page. If you are willing to contribute regularly, email me at ug@geometry, so that we can figure out the most appropriate way of giving you write access to the data.
Adding content: I will be happy to add further data, such as (professional or strong amateur) players who are missing, or links to other resources, as long as it comes from free sources or with the explicit consent of the copyright holders. If more than just a few entries are concerned, I will need the data in a machine-digestable form.
Removing content: If you think that any of the data presented here violates your (copyright or other) rights, please contact me at ug@geometry.de and I will consider removing it. If your name is listed here and you would prefer to have it removed, please send me a short note and I will do so.
To the best of my knowledge, none of the individual pieces of information (such as names, dates of birth/death) etc. is copyrightable. Most of the information which was retrieved from other sources was taken from publically available sources with "open licenses", such as Wikidata whose public domain license allows bulk imports, or, for individual pieces of information, Wikipedia and Sensei's Library. Further information was collected from some of the large SGF databases with the consent of the rights holders.
The main sources I used areMiscellaneous.
About this site/Impressum
Contact: Ulrich Görtz, ug@geometry.de
The Names Dictionary by John Fairbairn is part of the GoGoD edition. The file which is currently available (January 2017) has more than 4000 entries.
For many players, the Names Dictionary has biographical information beyond the data given in this list. Many players are covered quite extensively. It also has more entries than the list given here and typically includes all variant names and spellings in English and oriental languages. It is highly recommended to everybody who is interested in the history of go, and/or in learning more about individual go players.
Note on copyright: The Names Dictionary is protected by copyright and may not be copied freely. On the one hand, it contains a lot of original material to which copyright protection in the strict sense applies. On the other hand, as a database, the Names Dictionary as well as all other content in the GoGoD edition, such as the SGF files, are protected by the sui generis database rights of the European Union. This means that also the non-copyrightable pieces inside it (such as names/dates), being part of a database, enjoy certain protection against being extracted and distributed without the consent of the rights owners. Please note: I am not a lawyer. This Is Not Legal Advice!
There is no doubt that individual pieces of the data on these pages came indirectly, i.e., via other sources such as Sensei's Library, from the Names Dictionary. Maybe this is also the case for part of the data from, say, the Wikidata project. I am grateful to John Fairbairn for tolerating this. I will be very careful to not include data scraped from the Names Dictionary (or other copyrighted material) without consent of the rights owner in this project.